Show Me, Shouyu – Travel Stories from Shodoshima, Japan
Not your ordinary tour around a soy factory. Not your ordinary tour guide. These kind of travel stories are what makes traveling fun.
Searching on Your Own for Geishas in Kyoto, Japan
Looking for elusive women in Japan? This traveler discloses tricks on how to spot these coveted creatures.
Jetoscopy, Japan
Venture with this sojourner as his taps into humanity's common denominator. Living in Japan and dealing with big problems to say the least.
Texting Emperor Keitai – Travel Stories, Kyoto, Japan
Tap, tap tap, the indisputable sound of inside a Japanese train, on the sidewalk, in a park, in a movie theater, in a restaurant, almost everywhere you'll hear it; the successive tap of cell phone texting. We've all heard the stories, read more about it.