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Tag: Prostitutes

What’s in Costa Rica?

If you said wildlife, then you are almost right. As this real-life Pandora will give you an experience and appreciation for what this world has to offer. You're in Costa Rica. Pura Vida!

The Crisis: My Miami Addiction, Skiing in the Summer | Miami,...

There are sometimes during your travels that you will be a danger to yourself. But life is short, start collecting stories about your misadventures.

Bois de Boulogne Nighttime Adventures, Paris, France

Join this traveler as he peels back a Parisian night and finds there is alot more than meets the eye. Enjoy this travel surprise as he seeks nighttime adventure. Not for the kiddies.

When lost in Miami ask a hooker for directions, Miami, Florida

When you're lost in a city best thing to do is consult with a local street walker.

Thanksgiving Dinner with Male Prostitutes, Costa Rica

Two Costa Rican guys one American girl. A bountiful dinner?

Ping Pong Balls, Not a Child’s Game, Bangkok, Thailand

Not all things seen on TV or are lies. Take a trip to experience the seedy talents of the beautiful women from Thailand in this travel story. Not for the kiddies.

Slumming Stories with the Best in San Jose, Costa Rica

Exploring the seedy side of Costa Rica's prostitution. This traveler's story takes us to the other tourist hot spots. These stories get more detailed every time. Not for the kiddies.