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Five Sports Tourism Destinations In Europe

People travel the world for all sorts of reasons and in search of all sorts of attractions. But in Europe, some of the best...

Ways To Make Paris Your Homeaway from Home

Bonjour Monsieur and other ways to make Paris your temporary hometown away from home.

Survival tips for the clueless Au-Pair | Paris

Au-Pair. Have you thought about it? Well, you should. Take it from Shanna, she offers five quick tips to become a tolerant Au-Pair.

Fear and Loathing in Paris

The one time you wear your dress when you're solo traveling in Paris is when all the men act like wolves. Read on as Laura tells her scary travel story.

A Confession I must tell when I traveled to France.

There are times that life needs a little adventure to spice up your travel days. Then there are moments when you need a bath, plenty of baths for body and soul to be cleansed. Enjoy this story.

Bois de Boulogne Nighttime Adventures, Paris, France

Join this traveler as he peels back a Parisian night and finds there is alot more than meets the eye. Enjoy this travel surprise as he seeks nighttime adventure. Not for the kiddies.

Paris Undresses, Paris, France

When traveling you'll notice many distinctions. And when visiting France, fashion is a characteristic that will shout in its sleep. Join this traveler as she looks for that perfect piece that will make her feel like she belongs.