This week’s tweeters sum up a few things that Miami maybe notorious about: Gun Fights, Drugs, Hurricanes, Steakies…the list goes on.



mattgibsteinmattgibstein: Just witnessed a gun fight on I95 #onlyinMiami
Abby Geronimo
#10thingsidrelive I was in Miami when hurricane Andrew hit. I peed myself. This time I’d make sure I go to the bathroom beforehand.



Maureen Valme
first thing I wanna eat when I get off that plane in miami is some #lilhavana steak and onions with white rice black beans and that ROLL 🙂
Jimi Santoli

 #onlyinmiami is the Marlins stadium empty on game day! #fail!!



JniceRN07JniceRN07: Pretending you only speak spanish so some creep stops trying to talk to you #onlyinmiami
cBonicscBonics: Why wouldn’t there be a gun and a bag of coke on the UC pool sign? #onlyinmiami



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