Home City Life Type of Peope In Miami

Type of Peope In Miami

Miami cheerleader unveiling party at LIV

Miami Dolphin Cheerleaders | 2014 Calendar Party

Not lucky enough to attend the Miami Dolphin Cheerleaders 2014 calendar party? We have you covered! PHOTOS & Video!!!

The Kiss Greeting

Miami is certainly a unique city--the weather is unpredictable, ranging from hot and humid one minute to a torrential downpour the next. The food is amazing too--you don't need to board a boat to Cuba to get some delicious cuisine, just visit any of the places serving some of the finest dishes in the entire United States. But there is one rather peculiar habit that is quite customary in Miami--the kiss greeting.

Miami Drivers

If you are from any other part of the United States and you are headed for Miami, Florida, you’d better get your pilot’s license so you can be on the same driving page with Miami drivers. You will finally realize why there are so many lanes only going one way: jets need a lot of space in which to maneuver and miss each other!